After what seemed like mere minutes, Kaia came in. It was around 6 and she had a sore tummy. Those of you who know Kaia well can understand where I'm coming from when I told her just to drink some water and go back to bed. It didn't work. She drank some water and stayed snuggling with me. She was moaning and tossing and turning. I finally gave up on going back to sleep just after 7 when Jaymeson woke up. Jarett brought him in to me and then left for work. I got up, got dressed and looked back. Kaia had FINALLY fallen asleep.
I was feeding Jaymeson his breakfast while talking to my MIL. Suddenly we hear some screaming from upstairs. It was Saryn. She also had a bad dream. I carried her out of the room so that Kienna could go back to sleep. Kienna had woken up but as soon as I told her to go back asleep, she did. I brought Saryn downstairs and she said, "Mom, I Growed Up". I was so confused as to why that would be a scary dream, but I put on a movie and went back to feeding Jaymeson.
Another scream soon followed from upstairs. I ran up to find Kaia lying on the floor. Then I saw it. She had thrown up on my bed. I brought her downstairs to watch the show too and then went to go clean it up. I came back down and finished feeding poor Jaymeson who had been waiting. He had finished, I put him on the ground to play. Went into the office to talk to my MIL and turned around to see this:
Kaia was also looking quite miserable while lying on the couch for over an hour after the show ended.
Soon after, Saryn woke up and climbed into Granni's chair to snuggle until she got the breakfast she was demanding. I was a little busy, so she had to wait for a minute. When I turned around again it was to her screaming and throwing up all over the chair. I guess I found out what "Growing Up" Saryn thought she had done. So much for breakfast...
After sending out Grandpa Bucey for Gingerale, cleaning up the chair and the bed, making Jello and putting Jaymeson to bed, I realized it was almost 11:00 and Kienna still wasn't awake. Of course, my kids track record wasn't that great for the day, so I decided to check on her quickly. Of course, she had also just thrown up - this time on the carpet in her room.
And so the day continues. We're taking it easy. Anne of Green Gables is entertaining us...
and I've decided that while the kids are being low-key, I'll update my much neglected blog. So hopefully by the end of the day we'll have a blog post overload!
Oh MAN! That stinks! Probably even literally! Multiple kids=multiple throw ups. So so sorry. Good luck.
Oh no - I hope your crew start getting better quick!!!
HOLY COW!! I lost track of how many threw up! UH! What a horrible day... I've never had more then one kid throwing up at a time. (knock on wood) UH i am so sorry for you.
I'm so sorry! Yuck! I'm glad they're doing better. I can't believe we didn't get it! Poor dears!
holy bad night and bad day. That sounds so awful.Hope you are all better. So crummy.I wish I could have helped.
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