"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Since We've Been Home

Kaia would colour all day long every day if I let her. She just can't get enough. Of course, when she has a princess book and a tiara.....it just makes it better.

Speaking of princesses.....Saryn can't get enough of dress ups and dolls and barbies. She surprised me one day by hauling this stroller up the stairs while wearing her dress ups. She doesn't go anywhere without her "baby" and loves to change her outfit about 200 times a day.

Kienna is also my little princess. She is constantly playing with barbies and taking them balls etc. She does dress ups and is so sweet. She's constantly playing with her sisters

The Girls outside, eating Freezies to cool down. It has been so hot here that you need something to keep yourself cool.

The biggest thing that has happened since we got home has been Saryn sleeping in a big girl bed. I can't believe how old she's getting. She's turning 2 on Sunday. She is such a little pill though. She climbs in and out of bed over 100 times, climbing in and out of her sisters bed and turning on and off the lights and fan. She periodically will stay in bed for 30 seconds and if I sit and stroke her hand, she'll relax and eventually fall asleep. She's starting to settle a little bit and when her sisters aren't going to bed at the same time, she'll stay in bed and go to sleep (not without a little bit of fussing though). So here's hoping that things will get better at night time too. With this heat it's been hard to stay upstairs for so long sitting in the hallway hoping that she'll stay in bed. Every day there's a slight improvement. So keep your fingers crossed for me.


Alanna said...

Uncle Dustin, Auntie Alanna, Jarom, Travis & Jack!

Becky said...

Oh 2 year old. Emma is 2 and her thing right now is to strip all her clothes off and sleep naked. It is wonderful!!! We have to put her in footie pjs, backwards, pinned shut. Your girls are so darling!

Susie said...

I wonder what your princess girls are going to do when your little baby boy arrives?! I'm pretty sure he won't be left out of the dress ups. Look out poor boy! Wow I can't believe she is 2. Good luck with the sleeping.. hopefully some cooler nights help

Marilee said...

Thanks for the blog invite. It looks like you have had a fun summer. I love the pictures at Flathead because it looks HOT! If it is summer time I say bring on the heat!!!

Alysha Sladek said...

very cute princesses. your little guy is gonna have not 1 but FOUR moms to take care of him. how fun. just think of all the outfits they're going to put on him... ahhahah so fun. i can't believe saryn's 2! where has the time gone?? i cant' believe she's in a big kid bed! poor liv... i don't think i'll ever let her out of the crib ;)

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

hey Ashley can you get Alanna to send me an invitaton to her blog? I'm enjoying reading yours and would love to catch up on her too! She reads mine, but i don't have her e-mail to ask to read hers! Thanks!!

Heather said...

I love your blog background. It's darling. The pics of the girls are so cute. Kaia is looking so much older. It's so fun having girls--you're going to have quite the new adventure with a boy!

Megan C said...

I was reading your post and I noticed your baby counter said 52 days to go!! Whoo hoo!! Are you sooo excited????