I thought came to me then. I should focus on the things that I have done, not the things I have not!
I was up early this morning, said my prayers, got four children ready for school in Halloween costumes - with hair appropriate for their costume. Said family prayer, packed up lunches and got three of the kids to school.
I hadn't found a Halloween costume for Kaia and she had to be at school at 7:30 today, so I went to my moms to gather one up for her, bring it over to her school and get her ready for Halloween. It made her day. I then raced back home, taught piano for an hour and a half. Nursed the baby for over an hour while I sat down on the couch and had a little chill time. That's where I was when I started having these thoughts. I was looking around at all that I needed to do and focusing on all that I hadn't done.
I truly think that this is a mom's worst inner demon. We focus so much on all that's left to do, so we get discouraged and feel useless. It is so important that we realize that we are doing so much with the little things that we are doing. I hope I can keep that mentality for the rest of the day while I am getting things done so that I can realize that I am actually making a difference!