"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Preview of a Family Picture...

I feel like I plastered this all over facebook, but for those of you who are not on facebook, I thought I'd show my sneak peak of a photo idea that I had.  It started simple, with just a white background and a "personality shot" of each of the kids.  The it morphed and we fudged a little with the idea... (it's a little bit harder than we had thought to fit a family of 7 on a white backdrop).  We moved location twice and did a few different shots, but this is the only one that I've seen so far.... and I love it.  It's just a true to life family picture.  My friend Liz (http://pigtailsandsnails.blogspot.ca/) helped progress the idea and it came to this.  I'm so glad that I told her about my dream family picture!  She literally made my dream come true!  Thanks Liz!


Brittany said...

This picture is awesome! I love it!

Alanna said...

Super cute! I was looking for Benson... but when I saw Jaymeson realized that he's who I was actually looking for!

Amelia said...

I never saw this! Super cute!