"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Quick Thought

I know that most people think that I'm not capable of a "quick" thought - but here's my best attempt... I'm not saying that I'm going to succeed.

I went to an extended "Cahoon Family Reunion" this weekend.  My Father-in-law's Mother and all her descendents that could make it were there.  She had ELEVEN children - can you imagine?  She also had many of the cousins over quite a bit.  Now, all of her children have turned out to be quite successful, good people.   So, I took the opportunity this weekend to ask her "What advice would you give young mothers?"  Her answer was two words, "Don't Yell".  I asked if her and her husband ever yelled and she almost gasped at the question.  "Absolutely not.  We never talked like that."

At Lake Louise with Mullens
Now, I'm not saying that I'm a yelling kind of girl that just screams at anyone in her path, but I have taken this advice to heart.  I really think that, at times, I can be quite guilty of having a sharp tone, and become impatient much too quickly for these sweet little kids.  I love them to pieces.... why should they be the recipients of my weaker moments?  Shouldn't I be the BEST woman I can be to those I have been given to take care of?  I mean, after all:

"The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity."
-Margaret D. Nadauld

So this is now my goal.  I really want to be that rare kind of woman.  I'm sure that I will have a sharp tongue from time to time, but I hope that I can hold it faster.  I love this quote from President Hinckley too:

 "There is a sad tendency in our world today for persons to cut one another down. Did you ever realize that it does not take very much in the way of brainpower to make remarks that may wound another? Try the opposite of that. Try handing out compliments."
Gordon B Hinckley

At Ashley Lake with the Cahoons
 I hope that each day we can all try to be as kind as possible to those we love.  Say kind words instead of hurtful sarcastic remarks.  I want to take that step and become that little bit better.  Care to join in on the challenge?


stone's eye view said...

I'm already there! Grandma is my inspiration.

Alanna said...

I'm in! Wow! That's impressive... and hard! In fact, I've caught myself a few times yelling harshly, "Can't you talk nicely to each other!" Hmmm... wonder where they learned that from? Love the quote by Sister Nadauld. It really is harder to be soft than hard, isn't it?

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

I always love your posts, Ashley! Thanks for the challenge.

Beryl Shoekel said...

Wonderful challenge! Unfortunately we most often speak harshly to those we love most. You are a very special and intelligent young girl Ashley, because you are constantly trying to be better than you are now and are always open to learning how you can be even better.
Love you all so much!
Just want to ad how much I enjoyed seeing all these lovely pictures. Keep up the good work!
Aunty Beryl