"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

July - in a nut shell...

We were nuts about July because:

We're nuts about Canada Day!
 We're nuts about firetrucks...
 especially Jaymeson!

We're nuts about fishing...

We're nuts about blowing bubbles...

We're nuts about "Sacy" (Macy) as Jaymeson calls her.

We're nuts about Kienna (and Birthdays too)

 Kienna's also kinda nuts with how many teeth she's lost (I think we're up to about 10 now)

We're nuts about our new nephew/cousin Thaddeus (congrats Sachie and Josh)

Some of us are just nuts...

We're nutty picture takers... and I'm nuts about these kids.

 We have a nutty amount of Grandkids (on the Cahoon side) that we spent a whole week with.

We're so nutty that we get quite wiped out...

 Jaymeson is nuts about fishing - in the garage.  He even made his own recliner to fully enjoy it.

We're nuts about Lake Louise and our family we got to share it with...

Overall we're running around like we're all nuts... but we're sure enjoying the time.  So far August is getting even more nutty.  I've even made the decision to Home School.  We're excited to see what August will bring and really live it up!!


Anonymous said...

looks like such a fun sumer!

stone's eye view said...

Love the pic of Jaymeson fishing. What a man.

Alanna said...

Cute post Ash! I love the girl's cute matching shorts at Lake Louise! Love the chocolate barbie cake dress! Very Vogue. Benson's suddenly filled out, eh? Wow! He looks so much like Jarett I think, especially in the firetruck picture! And Kienna suddenly looks like she's almost ready for young womens in that picture too... and Saryn is supposed to be a toddler forever in my head I think and she's SOOOO not (obviously)! Also love the sleeping on the couch pic and the carseat recliner! Ha ha!

Brooklyn Marie Mullen said...

who isn't nuts about fishing in the garage? JK What I cutie that Jay is!