"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Monday, June 13, 2011

My First Haircut

I do understand that in reality, this wasn't my first haircut.  It wasn't even Jaymesons first haircut... but it was the first haircut I did for Jaymeson (actually it was the second, but the first one was with scissors and wasn't nearly as nice).  After a couple months of having Jaymeson look like Harry Potter (complete with the stand-up hair and glasses - all we were missing was a lightning scar), I got the nerve up to cut it myself.  My hair cutting friend, Amber, recommended some good cutters for kids and hooked me up with some.  I got them and was in HEAVEN.  I NOW understand how all these moms cut their boys hair.  It's SO much easier.  In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I might even make it a bi-weekly deal.  Maybe I'll even take on Jarett.  I can conquer the world!!
The before picture!  Please note the pile of hair coming down over his ear.  This looks especially smashing with glasses.

After!  It was short and sweet and he was so good!

My Handsome little Devil! 


brooke said...

you did a great job Ashley! He looks so handsome. (of course, I thought he looked handsome before too!)

Hayley said...

Good Work! I need to work on those skills so Troy will quit buzzing his head!

Brittany said...

Ashley! You did a great job!

stone's eye view said...

nice work! he is so handsome!!

Alanna said...

You have a talent Ash! It looks awesome! I've never been so enthusiastic about the process... but it's definitely a skill that pays off... when you've got lots of little boys.