"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Post-it Note

Not until I wrote the title of this blog post did I notice the pun involved.  I had written on a Post-it note probably as late back as October a couple funny things that Jaymeson and Saryn had been saying.  Since then, I added a couple things, but I kept coming across this post-it note as a reminder to "post" on my blog what ridiculous little critters I have been raising.  As I still have no time or energy to put a stupendous effort into my blog.  You get the post-it note version (with a little expansion so you can understand it).

#1 - Saryn was walking around the house singing:  "The Wiseman built his house upon a rock".  But who, do you ask, built his house upon the sand?  Why, that would be the Fireman, right?  When Saryn started singing about the Fireman building his house on the sand, I grabbed a post-it note and wrote it down... I didn't want to forget about that one.

#2 - Jaymeson saw a picture of himself on my computer and announced to me, "Look, it Jay-a-son".  This was after many a pictures on my screensaver where he was naming each of "his guys" as their pictures came up.  He was SO excited to see himself.  Quite adorable - so it got jotted down too...

#3 - Of course, with Jaymeson being who he is - he's realized that he is quite an adorable little boy.  He went through a long phase where he would constantly say, "I coot!"  We may have let this get to his head a little bit.  He started by merely asking, "Mommy, I coot??" after he'd do something funny or give me his extra long and sweet stare (deep into my eyes).  I suppose after saying, "Yes, you're SO cute" a million times, he didn't need to ask any more.  Thus - it made it on the post-it note.  It's just SUCH a Jay-ism.

#4 - My Mom took Saryn and Jaymeson to Lethbridge in October and gave me a day off (this was very appreciated as I was expecting a baby within the month).  I asked Saryn if she wanted to bring a movie or just watch one that Granny Jubber and Aunty Beryl had.
"Oh, I'll just watch one of theirs... They have Barbie and the Diamond Castle, don't they?" 
"No, I don't think they do." 
"They DON'T??  Oh no, Mom, they must be poor."
Then she continued on, listing a bunch of the Barbie movies.  As they didn't have any, she was quite concerned as to their poverty.
(Making me laugh hard - and having the time to write it down - this made it on the post it)

#5 - Jaymeson has recently taken a LOT of interest in the different kinds of cars.  He's realizing that some cars are bigger than others and have different shapes.  He's known cars vs. trucks vs. tractors etc for a while, but we're throwing in things like Van's, SUV's and the like.  My favorite is the SUV, because whenever he sees one he yells with excitement, "Look, it's a Ben-soo-bee!!"  (Incidentally, this has become Benson's new nickname).

#6 - Today as Jaymeson found his new favorite toy (Lightning McQueen from 'Cars').  He said, "Mom, it's A-keen.  Says, 'Ka-chow'!" Then he started doing McQueen's moves when he's posing for all the press.  I laughed so hard that I busted out the video camera (and of course my trusty post-it note).

So there you have it.  I can now part ways with my post-it note, so it is no longer cluttering my drawer... and I have documented something of interest (to me, if no one else) that has happened in the last 6 months!!  Hooray for the reminders that post-it notes can bring!!


Alysha Sladek said...

too cute. i think i need to carry around post its now. i ALWAYS forget what the kids say. great idea

Beryl Shoekel said...

Really cute Ash! you express your thoughts so well. It is priceless the things little children say, and important to write them down so we can remember them.
Love you all so much!

Hayley said...

They are soo funny! You could probably write down about half the things they say. They crack me up!