I have been feeling somewhat overwhelmed these days. I'm fairly sure that has been somewhat apparent in my writing. I have been completely sleep deprived, exhausted and completely unable to find energy ANYwhere in my body. I've been trying to keep 5 kids in order and trying to keep an immaculate house. I, also, have been trying to get some projects done, have 1 on 1 times with the kids, keep a balanced budget, learn more about photography, keep on top of violin lessons, teach piano lessons, get the groceries bought, make dinner, read good books, teach my kids to read, write, do math, identify colours and sit up. I've also been trying to support a husband who is going through a lot of stress in this year of preparation to be admitted to the bar. The biggest thing, however, that I have felt lacking in my life is a chance to sit down and read scriptures, pray or contemplate spiritual things. I miss the days of Seminary and Institute where I could go and get daily insight that I could document and reflect on. Going to church is always wonderful, but with 5 kids in tow (and a nursing baby), I really don't get as much out of it as I wish I could. These days, it seems rare when I actually get a chance to really study scriptures at all. I really could go on and on about how overwhelmed I feel some days, how I just can't seem to pull it all off - and admittedly, some things just suffer. Quite frankly, I've been so lacking in energy, that a lot of things have been suffering as of late.
So tonight, I had the house perfectly clean (as we were showing our house this afternoon), we had dinner at Manya's (after violin and before the school play), so I had no mess to clean up. The kids all went to bed quickly and quietly and, although Jarett is away tonight, I've been enjoying the silence. I admit that I instinctively reached for Harry Potter to relax and enjoy the night when I decided that I'd read a talk from the Ensign instead. I went onto lds.org and found a talk that called out to me. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I suddenly feel like I can do this. I feel like I have the power to do anything because I am not alone.... and here's why.
Elder Holland addresses Mothers in a beautiful talk called "Because She Is a Mother". If I may, I'd like to share a few quotes that really made me feel empowered (or at least understood). I would recommend you reading the whole talk, however, because it's just too good to pass up!
"In speaking of mothers generally, I especially wish to praise and encourage young mothers. The work of a mother is hard, too often unheralded work. The young years are often those when either husband or wife—or both—may still be in school or in those earliest and leanest stages of developing the husband’s breadwinning capacities. Finances fluctuate daily between low and nonexistent. The apartment is usually decorated in one of two smart designs—Deseret Industries provincial or early Mother Hubbard. The car, if there is one, runs on smooth tires and an empty tank. But with night feedings and night teethings, often the greatest challenge of all for a young mother is simply fatigue. Through these years, mothers go longer on less sleep and give more to others with less personal renewal for themselves than any other group I know at any other time in life. It is not surprising when the shadows under their eyes sometimes vaguely resemble the state of Rhode Island.
"Do the best you can through these years, but whatever else you do, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones. Husbands—especially husbands—as well as Church leaders and friends in every direction, be helpful and sensitive and wise. Remember, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” 6
"In light of that kind of expression, it is clear that some of those Rhode Island–sized shadows come not just from diapers and carpooling but from at least a few sleepless nights spent searching the soul, seeking earnestly for the capacity to raise these children to be what God wants them to be. Moved by that kind of devotion and determination, may I say to mothers collectively, in the name of the Lord, you are magnificent. You are doing terrifically well. The very fact that you have been given such a responsibility is everlasting evidence of the trust your Father in Heaven has in you.
"Yours is the grand tradition of Eve, the mother of all the human family, the one who understood that she and Adam had to fall in order that “men [and women] might be” 9 and that there would be joy. Yours is the grand tradition of Sarah and Rebekah and Rachel, without whom there could not have been those magnificent patriarchal promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob which bless us all. Yours is the grand tradition of Lois and Eunice and the mothers of the 2,000 stripling warriors. Yours is the grand tradition of Mary, chosen and foreordained from before this world was, to conceive, carry, and bear the Son of God Himself. We thank all of you, including our own mothers, and tell you there is nothing more important in this world than participating so directly in the work and glory of God, in bringing to pass the mortality and earthly life of His daughters and sons, so that immortality and eternal life can come in those celestial realms on high.
"Rely on Him. Rely on Him heavily. Rely on Him forever. And “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope.” 11 You are doing God’s work. You are doing it wonderfully well. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even—no, especially—when your days and your nights may be the most challenging. Like the woman who anonymously, meekly, perhaps even with hesitation and some embarrassment, fought her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of the Master’s garment, so Christ will say to the women who worry and wonder and sometimes weep over their responsibility as mothers, “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole.” 12 And it will make your children whole as well."
How blessed we are to have living prophets who know what we need to hear and understand what we are going through. I am so grateful that I stumbled across this talk today. I know that many of my friends out there also have days of the "crazies" with their kids after many a long, sleepless night. I wanted to share this with you - so that you know you are not alone. Not just because I say it - but because an apostle does.
"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Post-it Note
Not until I wrote the title of this blog post did I notice the pun involved. I had written on a Post-it note probably as late back as October a couple funny things that Jaymeson and Saryn had been saying. Since then, I added a couple things, but I kept coming across this post-it note as a reminder to "post" on my blog what ridiculous little critters I have been raising. As I still have no time or energy to put a stupendous effort into my blog. You get the post-it note version (with a little expansion so you can understand it).
#1 - Saryn was walking around the house singing: "The Wiseman built his house upon a rock". But who, do you ask, built his house upon the sand? Why, that would be the Fireman, right? When Saryn started singing about the Fireman building his house on the sand, I grabbed a post-it note and wrote it down... I didn't want to forget about that one.
#2 - Jaymeson saw a picture of himself on my computer and announced to me, "Look, it Jay-a-son". This was after many a pictures on my screensaver where he was naming each of "his guys" as their pictures came up. He was SO excited to see himself. Quite adorable - so it got jotted down too...
#3 - Of course, with Jaymeson being who he is - he's realized that he is quite an adorable little boy. He went through a long phase where he would constantly say, "I coot!" We may have let this get to his head a little bit. He started by merely asking, "Mommy, I coot??" after he'd do something funny or give me his extra long and sweet stare (deep into my eyes). I suppose after saying, "Yes, you're SO cute" a million times, he didn't need to ask any more. Thus - it made it on the post-it note. It's just SUCH a Jay-ism.
#4 - My Mom took Saryn and Jaymeson to Lethbridge in October and gave me a day off (this was very appreciated as I was expecting a baby within the month). I asked Saryn if she wanted to bring a movie or just watch one that Granny Jubber and Aunty Beryl had.
"Oh, I'll just watch one of theirs... They have Barbie and the Diamond Castle, don't they?"
"No, I don't think they do."
"They DON'T?? Oh no, Mom, they must be poor."
Then she continued on, listing a bunch of the Barbie movies. As they didn't have any, she was quite concerned as to their poverty.
(Making me laugh hard - and having the time to write it down - this made it on the post it)
#5 - Jaymeson has recently taken a LOT of interest in the different kinds of cars. He's realizing that some cars are bigger than others and have different shapes. He's known cars vs. trucks vs. tractors etc for a while, but we're throwing in things like Van's, SUV's and the like. My favorite is the SUV, because whenever he sees one he yells with excitement, "Look, it's a Ben-soo-bee!!" (Incidentally, this has become Benson's new nickname).
#6 - Today as Jaymeson found his new favorite toy (Lightning McQueen from 'Cars'). He said, "Mom, it's A-keen. Says, 'Ka-chow'!" Then he started doing McQueen's moves when he's posing for all the press. I laughed so hard that I busted out the video camera (and of course my trusty post-it note).
So there you have it. I can now part ways with my post-it note, so it is no longer cluttering my drawer... and I have documented something of interest (to me, if no one else) that has happened in the last 6 months!! Hooray for the reminders that post-it notes can bring!!
#1 - Saryn was walking around the house singing: "The Wiseman built his house upon a rock". But who, do you ask, built his house upon the sand? Why, that would be the Fireman, right? When Saryn started singing about the Fireman building his house on the sand, I grabbed a post-it note and wrote it down... I didn't want to forget about that one.
#2 - Jaymeson saw a picture of himself on my computer and announced to me, "Look, it Jay-a-son". This was after many a pictures on my screensaver where he was naming each of "his guys" as their pictures came up. He was SO excited to see himself. Quite adorable - so it got jotted down too...
#3 - Of course, with Jaymeson being who he is - he's realized that he is quite an adorable little boy. He went through a long phase where he would constantly say, "I coot!" We may have let this get to his head a little bit. He started by merely asking, "Mommy, I coot??" after he'd do something funny or give me his extra long and sweet stare (deep into my eyes). I suppose after saying, "Yes, you're SO cute" a million times, he didn't need to ask any more. Thus - it made it on the post-it note. It's just SUCH a Jay-ism.
#4 - My Mom took Saryn and Jaymeson to Lethbridge in October and gave me a day off (this was very appreciated as I was expecting a baby within the month). I asked Saryn if she wanted to bring a movie or just watch one that Granny Jubber and Aunty Beryl had.
"Oh, I'll just watch one of theirs... They have Barbie and the Diamond Castle, don't they?"
"No, I don't think they do."
"They DON'T?? Oh no, Mom, they must be poor."
Then she continued on, listing a bunch of the Barbie movies. As they didn't have any, she was quite concerned as to their poverty.
(Making me laugh hard - and having the time to write it down - this made it on the post it)
#5 - Jaymeson has recently taken a LOT of interest in the different kinds of cars. He's realizing that some cars are bigger than others and have different shapes. He's known cars vs. trucks vs. tractors etc for a while, but we're throwing in things like Van's, SUV's and the like. My favorite is the SUV, because whenever he sees one he yells with excitement, "Look, it's a Ben-soo-bee!!" (Incidentally, this has become Benson's new nickname).
#6 - Today as Jaymeson found his new favorite toy (Lightning McQueen from 'Cars'). He said, "Mom, it's A-keen. Says, 'Ka-chow'!" Then he started doing McQueen's moves when he's posing for all the press. I laughed so hard that I busted out the video camera (and of course my trusty post-it note).
So there you have it. I can now part ways with my post-it note, so it is no longer cluttering my drawer... and I have documented something of interest (to me, if no one else) that has happened in the last 6 months!! Hooray for the reminders that post-it notes can bring!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
It's Been a While
So, WHY?? Why Ashley, has it taken you for-EVER to write on your blog? You must not care any more. You must have given up. You must have nothing going on to write about. Perhaps you're just sleeping on the job!
Well, ladies and gents (if there's any gents that read my blog)... it's simply because I have had a couple major things take over my life that I haven't quite learned how to balance along with blog writing.
The first is just plain and simple... I had a baby in November and he is getting worse and worse at sleeping. Quite simply put... I'm exhausted. Too exhausted to think and too exhausted to get to doing any "extras" that may come my way - like blogging. We LOVE Benson... he is an extraordinarily happy baby during the day with one of the biggest and best smiles in the world. At night time - he turns into a teething monster and can't seem to make it through more than 3 hours at a time.
The second is just seeming to be a really poorly timed choice. We decided to sell our house. Note to self: after having a C-section and a fifth child. DON'T PUT YOUR HOUSE UP FOR SALE!! It's slightly more stressful than I had ever imagined. Having 5 kids run around while you're trying to make a house completely spotless is not a small task. Add to that the fact that my dear husband is working between 60-80 hours a week between his work and CPLED (a course that has replaced the bar exam) and just not around enough to make it sane. Oh, throw in there Spring Break last week, my Mom being gone to the states for 6 weeks (my MAJOR support) and sick kids every other week (or close to).
So, how is the selling go, you might ask? Well.... we've had THREE people come either 2 or 3 times and then decide to buy another house. All of them have said that our house was #2 on their list. I'm not sure what it would take to make it up to #1.... but I'm getting quite desperate to find out. We DID, however, have one couple say that they love it, they'll buy it.... they just need to sell THEIR house first. Ugh. So we're waiting - ever so patiently (or not so much) to move on. In the mean time. I have neglected 'le blog'. My apologies!
Quick update otherwise:
Jarett has a mere 6 weeks left of the CPLED course and 2 months left of articling before he qualifies for admission to the bar. YAY!! He also has not ceased to stop making me laugh. After many times of being reminded to shut all the cupboard doors after using them, Jarett left me THIS lovely surprise... he really never will stop, will he?
Ashley - well, is just going crazy.... but what else is new, right?
Kaia is doing extraordinarily well at school. She's starting to show an attitude of improvement in violin (which is great) as she learns more and more songs. She's doing phenomenal and seems to really excel quickly when she decides to practice without whining. She is growing up so quickly and is making me so proud of her with the efforts she makes to be a great sister. She is always the first person there to comfort someone who is hurt or to help me get ready for dinner etc. She will be baptized on the 16th of April and I couldn't be more proud of her!
Kienna is gaining more confidence with those around her and isn't NEARLY as shy at school as she was. She's learned a few songs on the piano and is playing those as much as she can. She's becoming more and more silly and beautiful with each passing day. She is reading in French and English really well and has wonderful math skills.... but you should see this girls art. It blows me away! I think she's already surpassed Jarett and my capabilities. She is such a fun, beautiful little thing. I'm terrified of her teen-age years.
Saryn is still dancing, singing and acting her way through life. She never stops - except when a movie is on or a book is there to read (or of course, if I let her go on Barbie.com). Actually, she frequently is found dancing to movies and books AND barbie.com. She makes me laugh every day and is growing up WAY too fast. I can't believe she'll be in Kindergarten in the fall. She is such a ball of energy!
Jaymeson will always be my little dude. He lives for Marbleworks, cars, trains, balls and "ben-soo-bees" (SUV's). He is learning his colors, giving high fives and pounding it (fists). He's playing with "Bens" constantly. He is super charming with his smile and his constant "Tank-Oo's" Most of all, however, he always wants to be with his "guys" (sisters). He sneaks into their room to snuggle with them after many pleas of "Nuggle Nenna" (or Aia or Sa-in). They are his heroes and he tries to be like them constantly (a little too much when it comes to Barbies and other such silly things). I have sure loved having a little boy!
Benson is growing like crazy. He had a little bit of a rough start going from the 32nd percentile to the 18th in one month. After one month of supplementing, he rocketed up to the 54th percentile... and after a couple more weeks, he up in the 80s. He's weighing in at about 15 pounds at 4 months. (of course Saryn hit 16 pounds by 6 weeks.... but not many babies can be Saryn). He's super sweet and happy and one day (we hope) he'll stop spitting up and start sleeping. Those are his only imperfections. Otherwise he's just snuggled and cuddled and loved to death. He's also started to grab at things and bring them to his mouth. He rolled over from front to back on Family Day (Feb 20's) at almost 3 months.
Well, I think that's about it. I'll post more when life settles. Just thought I'd write a few things to remember.
Well, ladies and gents (if there's any gents that read my blog)... it's simply because I have had a couple major things take over my life that I haven't quite learned how to balance along with blog writing.
The first is just plain and simple... I had a baby in November and he is getting worse and worse at sleeping. Quite simply put... I'm exhausted. Too exhausted to think and too exhausted to get to doing any "extras" that may come my way - like blogging. We LOVE Benson... he is an extraordinarily happy baby during the day with one of the biggest and best smiles in the world. At night time - he turns into a teething monster and can't seem to make it through more than 3 hours at a time.
The second is just seeming to be a really poorly timed choice. We decided to sell our house. Note to self: after having a C-section and a fifth child. DON'T PUT YOUR HOUSE UP FOR SALE!! It's slightly more stressful than I had ever imagined. Having 5 kids run around while you're trying to make a house completely spotless is not a small task. Add to that the fact that my dear husband is working between 60-80 hours a week between his work and CPLED (a course that has replaced the bar exam) and just not around enough to make it sane. Oh, throw in there Spring Break last week, my Mom being gone to the states for 6 weeks (my MAJOR support) and sick kids every other week (or close to).
So, how is the selling go, you might ask? Well.... we've had THREE people come either 2 or 3 times and then decide to buy another house. All of them have said that our house was #2 on their list. I'm not sure what it would take to make it up to #1.... but I'm getting quite desperate to find out. We DID, however, have one couple say that they love it, they'll buy it.... they just need to sell THEIR house first. Ugh. So we're waiting - ever so patiently (or not so much) to move on. In the mean time. I have neglected 'le blog'. My apologies!
Quick update otherwise:
Jarett has a mere 6 weeks left of the CPLED course and 2 months left of articling before he qualifies for admission to the bar. YAY!! He also has not ceased to stop making me laugh. After many times of being reminded to shut all the cupboard doors after using them, Jarett left me THIS lovely surprise... he really never will stop, will he?
Ashley - well, is just going crazy.... but what else is new, right?
Kaia is doing extraordinarily well at school. She's starting to show an attitude of improvement in violin (which is great) as she learns more and more songs. She's doing phenomenal and seems to really excel quickly when she decides to practice without whining. She is growing up so quickly and is making me so proud of her with the efforts she makes to be a great sister. She is always the first person there to comfort someone who is hurt or to help me get ready for dinner etc. She will be baptized on the 16th of April and I couldn't be more proud of her!
Field trip to Heritage Park |
Kienna is gaining more confidence with those around her and isn't NEARLY as shy at school as she was. She's learned a few songs on the piano and is playing those as much as she can. She's becoming more and more silly and beautiful with each passing day. She is reading in French and English really well and has wonderful math skills.... but you should see this girls art. It blows me away! I think she's already surpassed Jarett and my capabilities. She is such a fun, beautiful little thing. I'm terrified of her teen-age years.
Jaymeson will always be my little dude. He lives for Marbleworks, cars, trains, balls and "ben-soo-bees" (SUV's). He is learning his colors, giving high fives and pounding it (fists). He's playing with "Bens" constantly. He is super charming with his smile and his constant "Tank-Oo's" Most of all, however, he always wants to be with his "guys" (sisters). He sneaks into their room to snuggle with them after many pleas of "Nuggle Nenna" (or Aia or Sa-in). They are his heroes and he tries to be like them constantly (a little too much when it comes to Barbies and other such silly things). I have sure loved having a little boy!
Benson is growing like crazy. He had a little bit of a rough start going from the 32nd percentile to the 18th in one month. After one month of supplementing, he rocketed up to the 54th percentile... and after a couple more weeks, he up in the 80s. He's weighing in at about 15 pounds at 4 months. (of course Saryn hit 16 pounds by 6 weeks.... but not many babies can be Saryn). He's super sweet and happy and one day (we hope) he'll stop spitting up and start sleeping. Those are his only imperfections. Otherwise he's just snuggled and cuddled and loved to death. He's also started to grab at things and bring them to his mouth. He rolled over from front to back on Family Day (Feb 20's) at almost 3 months.
Well, I think that's about it. I'll post more when life settles. Just thought I'd write a few things to remember.
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