"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Favorite Thing!!

So Jarett had said "NO PRESENTS FROM ME" this year because I had already got a computer and photo editing software for mothers day. I wasn't surprised, therefore, when there wasn't even 1 present under the tree for me from him. No birthday present, no Christmas present, and that was fine. Honestly!

Boxing day came around and Jarett went shopping with his bro-in-law, Josh. He returned with a "surprise package". I honestly couldn't believe it! I did have a few suspicions due to some hints, but I still couldn't believe it. My very own:

a Nikon D3000!! Complete with 2 lenses and a UV lens cover. It's my baby. I haven't felt THAT giddy at Christmas since my piano - and before that not since I was a kid. I didn't/don't go anywhere without it. I am playing and taking pictures continually. You thought it was bad before?!?? Oh no, it's just getting started!!

I got to use my sister-in-law, Manya's camera at Hayley's wedding (more on the wedding to come) and fell in love. I guess Jarett saw the glee in my eyes as I held this beautiful camera and knew he had to make his wife happy (especially with the other camera dying out). Thank you Jarett for such an incredible Christmas Present!!

PS - Any of my photographer friends who want to give me any lessons I would love forever!!


Alysha Sladek said...

that's so exciting! you lucky girl :)

Andrea said...

I'm working on a photography blog where we do assignments and lessons so that we can all improve our photography skills - I'll let you know when I have it up and running!!! I'm so glad you got your camera!!

Alanna said...

Still so jealous... but SOOO excited for you! It's amazing you're capable of taking more pictures...but I know you are. Can't wait to see your future masterpieces! Will you do family photos for free?

Fiona said...

I'm so happy for you!!! Playing with mine is my favourite thing to do!!! We have wonderful husbands!!!!