"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Santa and then some randoms

So at Jarett's school, they had a Family Christmas Party. Every year we've made an effort to go and we're never disappointed. The kids talk about it all year long and can't wait to go again. The girls were SO excited to see Santa and the magician and all the other kids that are there. The party went well. I dropped the kids off with Jarett for the first half while I attended a funeral. When I got there, the magic show was just ending and Kienna was up helping out the magician.

You may notice the Frosty the Snowman that the magician is using. He pulled this out and suddenly Saryn started balling, "I want my Mommy!!" It was SUPER cute. So I got to hold her for the entire time that Frosty was in sight. It was sad, but so funny too. Supposedly someone took pictures of when Kaia got to help the magician (this was before I arrived).
Of course, we were pretty sure that Santa wouldn't be a huge hit with Saryn once we saw her react to Frosty. We couldn't have been more dead on. The older girls sat on his lap first. We wanted to get a picture with Saryn too, but realized this would be close to impossible. So it ended up being a family picture.

Yesterday we had some fun photo opportunities as well:

Saryn was playing dress-ups (the norm) and came upstairs with her dolly. She sat on the couch and immediately fell asleep. So here's to my little Snow White/Sleeping Beauty.

Kienna has been so sweet holding Jaymeson all the time. If it's "exercise time" for Jaymeson, she'll still show him she loves him - even if it's by leaving him a little rose...

We had a blast making cookie dough last night. We started it off with a bang. We put the butter in first and started the bosch before mom had put the lid on. Kaia got a spray of butter perfectly placed right in the middle of her forehead. It got some good laughs and everyone was in a great mood for the remainder of the evening (which was quite an accomplishment - trust me).

Well, that about sums up what we've been up to. Now we're just going crazy getting ready for Christmas and our big trip down to California. We have 3 weeks to get ready for in 2 days - yikes!! Here goes....


Melanie said...

so fun, I love the butter between the eyes - it is not so pretty when a blender gets turned on too soon, and you have smoothie between the eyes!

Susie said...

is it just me or is that the youngest looking Santa. California sounds so fun but packing up ALL your kids for 3 weeks are you insane? Good luck. I'm sure it will be worth it.

Cindy Anderton said...

I want to sit behind you guys every sunday, Saryn is flippin hilarious to watch

Alanna said...

Great shot, Bosch!
Can't wait to see you soon!

Jordana said...

Your girls look so cute all matching! Have fun on your trip, I'll miss Kienna in class.

Anonymous said...

Have you thought of changing the name of your blog to "Cahoo-Zoo"?

Alysha Sladek said...

how fun. i'm sad we missed the party this year. poor saryn... have fun in cali you lucky girl!!!

Hayley said...

Jarett is so little! He looks good! And then Jaymeson is so big! I can't wait to see you guys! Yay Christmas!

stone's eye view said...

Whats this about Cali? And wow is Jarett ever skinny!!

Suzy Hicks said...

Whoa busy!! I love that Saryn was freaked out by Frosty and Santa, maybe better luck next year? Have fun in Cali. and enjoy the weather (not hard to do).

TheMousirFamily said...

such a great family photo time! you are looking awsome have fun on your trip away from the cold!

Becky said...

Your girls are so big! Such cuties!
Funny how some kids at some age just aren't down with the whole Santa's lap thing! Been there!