"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Way too long........

I apologize for not posting sooner, but I really haven't had pictures or any good stories or anecdotes to write. Now, don't get your hopes up, I don't really have any now............. Just thought I'd check in.......haha. Hope you all are having a great time. This weather is long overdue and has been wonderful. Yesterday we were at the park and had a blast. We stayed for 2 hours and after being whipped by sand in the wind, moved over to a soccer field where the kids ran like crazy. I carried Saryn in the baby backpack and put Kaia and Kienna in the stroller. I think I should win an award for the craziest thing to do!! I was dying by the night. As many of you know, during pregnancy my hips separate and are quite painful. I guess carrying 35 pounds on my back and pushing over 100 pounds (the stroller and the kids and the food combined) wasn't what my body was up to handling. Sigh, the joys of motherhood!! Anyway, back to fight off the ever crazy house!! Happy Long Weekend!!


Oler Family said...

You are a trooper! Mother of the year goes to you for sure! I drive to the park...how lame am I?

Marilee said...

You are a trooper. I have never heard of hips seperating during pregnancy but it sounds very painful. Hope a good nights sleep will help. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

Insanity prevails!

Alysha Sladek said...

take it easy! jeepers ;) sounds like fun though. (other than the hips part)

Becky said...

Hey girlfriend!!!
This is Becky Ruff. It is so cool that you wrote on my blog!!!
I would love to chat or email more. Drop me a line at rebeccaruff913@hotmail.com
I can't wait to catch up!!!
Becky (0: