So, I totally thought I haven't been taking any pictures, only to go onto my camera and discovering over 100 that I haven't uploaded yet. Sigh. So it's time for a picture update. Here's what we have been up to.

Saryn was sitting on the kitchen chair and somehow flew herself off. She only got a little tiny cut on the side of her eye, but after a couple days, it developed into a full on shiner. Very nice.

My Mother's Day Bouquet. I LOVED it.

My little girls who helped Daddy pick it out. They were SO excited.

The card that they made for me. They chose to give me a butterfly and Kaia coloured the left half while Kienna coloured the right. Then Jarett typed up what they said when he asked them, "Why do you want to give Mom the butterfly" There responses are as follows:
Because it is so very beautiful, and I love you. And so I decided to give this to you because it is so beautiful. And I love you so much because you are always so very very nice to me because I am the oldest sister, and you sound very very pretty to me, even though sometimes I make mistakes, and I know you love me even when you are so made at me, and you are so so very nice to me. And you are very very so awesome and pretty.
Cuz I love her and she's very pretty and very awesome and I'll give her some yummy treats and jewels because I love her so much.
Na na na, bla ha to bo no hififi wa. K?
(Yes, Jarett actually typed her response)

This was our trauma. I have not included Kaia and Saryn's pictures of the incident since there were no injuries, they were just jealous that Kienna got pictures taken. Kaia was standing on the bench at the kitchen table while Kienna was eating her crusts that she had thrown on the ground while lying under the table. Of course, the bench started rocking and fell down right on Kienna's eye with Kaia weight on top of it. It was SO sad and she had a really swollen eye for at least a week.

Our backyard picnics have started up again since the weather has been so beautiful.
(When it's not raining)

Saryn was helping to water the Strawberry plants that we planted over the long weekend. She would do this all day and all night if we would let her. She was super cute though.

My Girls night to Moxie's. We all had a crummy week and needed a night of venting. It was a blast and we really needed it. It's amazing what 3 hours with some girls will do for you.
PS - I would like Rebecca and Keltie to notice that there is only one picture - I don't post EVERYTHING.

West Edmonton Mall food court. Gotta love the water jets going over the walk ways.

The famous Whale in West Ed. My kids love it and can't walk by it. I finally had my camera!!

Another shot of the whale. Saryn would only sit at the back...
Well, that is about all we've been up to so far this month. We are heading down to Calgary soon to take in my Sisters in "The Fiddler on the Roof" and a year end Dance Recital. We're super excited for that. Sorry for the serious lack of updates until now. Hope this excuses me.