"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So, we went to the doctor yesterday. Apparently they're both eczema and Saryn has been scratching it in her sleep or something. Anyway, we have a good cream now and it's already almost gone. Kaia's is also clearing up like crazy. She had a severe case of eczema, but because she scratched it so much, it had become infected... so yeah, with antibiotic steroid ointment, it's almost completely gone... Thank you for all your support and ideas. Those are things I'm very fastidious about, so it hasn't been any of those things for sure. We just have lucky fun things like this sometimes I guess. Anyway, new post soon....


ZogLady said...

Oh my goodness! Your poor girls! I completely understand though, our girls have gone through the exact smae thing but with a slightly different look... I totally would have told you in your last post but it wouldn't show up until today! Grrrr! Emma and Zoe were both placed on the same drugs your children are on now! Ugh!

I hope they're doing better!

Oler Family said...

I'm glad that you found out what it was, and that it wasn't anything too serious. I'm glad that they are doing better!

Alysha Sladek said...

good to know it's getting better. kaia's leg did look much better when i saw it on wed.