"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So Busy, So Much, So Crazy, Where to begin?!?

I really have been doing a lot around here...and nothing at the same time. Being a mom of 4 really just keeps you busy doing the little things. I honestly feel like I have nothing to post on except for our adventures to the Zoo, Lakes, Elbow Falls and Calaway Park. I need to do those too, but I would like to just write some thoughts about what all is happening in our lives right now.

We'll start at the youngest - and work our way up:

JAYMESON has just cracked his 3rd tooth through and is now constantly grinding his teeth to get the feel of having them on the top and bottom. He's probably the most happy baby I've ever had and is just moving around like crazy. We're pretty sure that he sits nice and steady, but he won't stay still long enough to know for sure. When he moves though, he doesn't face plant anymore, it's a much smoother transition. As soon as we sit him down, he starts crawling. He doesn't crawl with one leg at a time, but more hops forward off of his knees. He also does the monkey stand (on hands and feet) and jumps forward onto his knees. He's climbing stairs and has even made it up next to the coffee table and the exer-saucer and stood there for a LONG time. I have NEVER had a baby move around this much this early. I'm thinking boys just might be different. He's waved four or five times....we're still working on that. He LOVES books - even novels. He'll just eat them up (both literally and figuratively). He's eating solids 3 times and day and likes everything we've given him. He's beginning to use his finger and thumb to pick up cheerios and small pieces of food. He's getting really good quite quickly. We're working on the sleeping at night. Last night was horrid, but on average, he wakes up 2-3 times a night and goes right back to sleep with a bottle (he's starting to do just water in the bottles too, which is great with these new teeth in there). He's constantly crawling under the couches and has a fascination with anything electronic - especially cords. I keep putting cords away, up high, but he somehow crawls under a couch and finds one that I've missed. I have had to keep a very close eye on that little guy. No problem though, he's just too cute and I could watch him all day.

SARYN has been coming leaps and bounds with all that she's been doing. She's been learning the alphabet and knows about 1/3 of the letters. She has become quite the conversationalist and can give any adult a great conversation. Okay, so it's not politics or incredibly academic, but she can do some seriously impressive small talk. The biggest news for Saryn, however, is that she is getting POTTY TRAINED. I've really been bad at putting this off, but I finally decided that it was getting ridiculous. She's almost 3 and I just am going to have to ignore her protesting and put her on the potty every half an hour like it takes. I'm going to have to put on those panties and let her feel really uncomfortable so that she'll be more motivated. It has been miraculous. She cried the first time - and she still will periodically. But over about a week time, she's only had 3 accidents. I call that simply miraculous. She also has suddenly stopped going at night too. She has only had one wet diaper - once again, miraculous. I am absolutely thrilled with her progress here. She's also gained a LOT of confidence from this and she is SO proud of herself. We have started a little tradition of bathroom stories. When she's sitting on the potty, but doesn't think she needs to go. I tell her the tales of Sparkle, the most beautiful pony in the world, and Princess Saryn. They have marvelous adventures and it has made her excited to sit on the potty and have Mommy & Saryn one-on-one time. It's been great. She is also growing like a little weed and really looking a lot older. The baby chub is falling off and she's becoming quite the beautiful little girl.

KIENNA has always astounded me with her sweetness. She truly just is content to do whatever she can to make other people laugh. She is always trying to help and just wants to be loved. She loves to be validated. She essentially walks around all day trying to recruit people to jump on the tramp with her. She LOVES being outside. She could be at the lake or the zoo or on the trampoline all day long. She could also hold Jaymeson all day long if I'd let her. She just LOVES her baby brother. She is always playing with him and wanting to get him to walk, crawl or climb. She loves to make him laugh and is constantly smothering him with kisses. She is SO full of love!

KAIA has lost another tooth.....with another one hanging on by a thread. She will be missing her two front teeth within the week, I'm sure. She is sure growing up so fast. I can't believe how well she reads! She can pick up almost ANY book and sound it out. The ones she has trouble with are little ones like the scriptures and some novels that Jarett has lying around. She is incredibly bright and is just SO excited to learn. She has been practicing her violin a little bit and is teaching Kienna to count in French so she can be ahead of the rest of the class. Kaia frequently is "bored" or "hungry" (synonymous in my books) but she will colour or write a book for hours at a time to remedy that. She is also writing in a journal about everything she does every day. She'd be a phenomenol secretary one day (among many other things). She's been doing latch hook kits, making blankets and begging my Granny to teach her how to knit. She's just driven to learn.

I have been taking care of these little ones and trying to be as helpful as I can while living with my mom. I've been trying to be a mom, wife and daughter and juggle all three roles as best I can. I have recently decided that I will no longer be teaching piano in the fall. Kaia is going to be in school full time and the only time I can teach is when she'd be home. It's going to be hard to not have the money, but I feel like it's the best decision I can make. It's just too hard to juggle that schedule with being a mom. I've also been trying to figure out the rest of my life.... which leads me to Jarett.

JARETT has been super busy working at Peterson Shields this summer. He is doing a summer position and learning a ton. He has worked on applications for an articling position with the major firms in downtown Calgary. He had 8 invitations for interviews and had high hopes. During this process he found out that about 8 MAJOR firms were no longer hiring for next year. That's over 50 positions that are no longer available. There are just as many people graduating next year and WAY fewer positions to fill. Calgary isn't the only city cutting back, so other cities are pushing people over here too. The competition is incredibly stiff. Jarett got 1 call back for a second interview and was supposed to hear last week if he got the job. So far, we haven't heard. Everyone that we have talked to has said it's because he's a family man and the large law firms treat that as a liability, not an asset. His family is something that could distract him from his work and he wouldn't be worth that investment. It's SO frustrating for him. It's been SO hard to watch him feel so out of control of his future. He has a back up position working with my Dad's firm for his articling, so he's really lucky that way. It seems we have hit a cross roads though. This economy is really difficult and Jarett is trying to figure out the best way to support a family. Should we buy a house when he's articling? Should we wait it out a year and live with my parents to save up a good down-payment? Should he push to get a job at a mid-sized law firm? Should he work with my Dad? Should we not move to Calgary but try Southern Alberta? Should we think over the University of Colorado decision? So much to mull over. I feel right in the middle of a railway where there's about 10 switches and I have no idea which to pull to get to the right place. Jarett's also had someone talk to him about potentionally getting him a job that would be all around the world for a few years at a time. The MBA/Law combination would be a huge asset and it would be an incredible experience for the whole family....but it would be hard to be away from home for that long. That's another debate. I don't know if I'd be strong enough to do that. Yikes. There's SO much to think about. So much to pray about - and it isn't just a little choice. It's my family's entire future.

My sister, her husband and their family are all moving in here next week. He just got a job in Calgary and they'll be staying here until they find a place to live. I'm SO excited to have all the cousins together.....but also a little scared. It'll be great!! I love having my sister around.....it'll be a great summer!

Well, that sums up the goings on around here. I've felt like I need to do just a written blog for a while......I think that explains why. Any ideas?!? If anyone has any experiences or advice, I'd LOVE to hear it!


Alanna said...

The economy is pretty bad, eh? He will find something great! Don't you worry! And don't think that Saryn's slow at getting to potty training. It sounds like she's beating my record holder. And we won't even talk about records for longest time. I'm so excited to see you for our crazy summer!

Brittany said...

Everything will work out! I miss you all so much!

April said...

Oh good luck with your big decisions! I'm sorry it's a challenge! By the way- I stopped teaching piano after I had my 2nd because I thought it was too much--- I'm amazed that you've been able to do it with 4 little ones! WOW!

Alysha Sladek said...

good luck with your decision. it's soooo tough right now. I'm glad jimmy has a job for the year and just pray that he gets hired back!!! things all work out the way they're supposed to. it's just frustrating getting to that point.
sounds like everyone's doing good and that you're all having a blast!

Hayley said...

I'm so glad that I'm coming home tomorrow so that I can see everyone growing up so fast!! Hip Hop Hooray!

Laura Leavitt said...

I love reading about your family. IT is always tough to make huge life altering decisions. Thank goodness for prayer. Jarrett is so smart and will do good at whatever he chooses. It is crummy now a days that a guy with a family has a harder time. You hear about it all the time.I am so happy for you that you get to spend time with your family. You must have so much fun with your Mom and sisters.I know what you mean about juggling all the roles. I bet your Mom lives having you around....and your kids are the best behaved kids in the world....so that helps too. You are so awesome with such a great family. I love you guys!

Clark and Kristen Daniels said...

YEA!!! We should be here in Aug. Call me when you get here. I would LOVE to see you!!!
801 864 1590

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

WOW! Decisions much! I don't envy you at this moment. You guys will find your way to your own perfect decision.

Sounds like a crazy summer in deed. Feel like getting 11 or so kids together with just 3 mom's to watch them all?? I'd love to see both you and Alanna and kids to boot. An outside venue would probably be best, and near a bathroom.... perhaps the park behind your Mom's?

Call me.... #'s in the directory NewBrighton ward.