"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day One!

In many ways, this is NOT a day one, but it feels like it.

Lanaya is 17 days old

I've had a couple C-sections before.
I've spent a couple days in my house by myself.

Yesterday my kids finished school for the year.

But today, it my first full day having ALL SIX KIDS at home by myself!!


The last two weeks have not really been reality as my sister and her boys have been in town.  I've basically lived at my moms where my family has been fed and taken care of.  I've had a great chance to just sit or lay down and work on recovering.  Yesterday, Alanna left and my mom left with her.  So today is here... and I have to be all responsible again

..... and honestly....

it's gone surprisingly well!

Not only did a good friend bring over Brownies to help me through it, and I have a lasagne in my fridge from another friend, but my kids have been extraordinarily helpful!!

I fed Lanaya, gave her a bath, and fed her again.  She fell asleep and had a super long nap.  I was able to put away about 7 loads of laundry AND shower!  My girls were phenomenal and cleaned up the kitchen, tidied up toys and just cleaned up in general!!  I didn't even ask them to.  Kaia and Kienna were happy to help clean and Saryn played school with the boys to keep them focused and entertained while everyone else worked.  Kienna then vacuumed upstairs, Kaia downstairs.  I have sat and nursed while I caught up on the budget and typed up this blog - all while Kaia fusses over feeding people lunch.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am SO grateful today for my big girls and their willingness to serve.  I'm so proud of them!!  I hope they can always dive in to help people and notice needs like they did today.

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