"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Monday, March 10, 2014


Recently Benson has been cracking me up!  If he says something and I'm not sure what he means, he puts on a funny face and says, "awk-ward".  It he'll just randomly blurt it out when it's a quiet moment - just to make everyone laugh.
His other phrase he's just started to say has been "That's not the point!"  He says this especially when he's upset or we're singing the wrong words to a song.

I've been teaching him his alphabet.  Today is the letter 'W'.  I took out Jaymeson's home reading book that says "We love bananas"  Or "We love apples" on every page so that he could see a lot of 'W'.  I said, "what's this, Benson?"  His response, "Nos gustan bananas".  My dad had read him the book last weekend in Spanish and Benson thought it was so hilarious that he now calls bananas "gustan bananas" because that's what Grandpa calls them.

He's also pretty much potty trained!  It took a while for him to care, but once I bought him a Percy train (his favorite from Thomas the train), he started to do everything on his own and even asked him teacher in primary to take him to the bathroom yesterday.  Apparently we just need to stop him from taking ALL his clothes off each time.  I can't believe how much he is growing up.  He really cracks me up every day and is just so very cute!!

(The last picture is of him doing a pirate dance because he IS a pirate when he wears his pirate jammies)

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