Last Tuesday (the 10th) when I did the post of the party etc., I went to enrichment and then came home and wrote my blog. I then went to bed and was woken up at just after 12:30 by a scream. Normally I don't wake up for these because Jarett is an incredible husband and just gets up and deals with it (unless it's a newborn cry - I somehow hear those better in my sleep). This cry, however, was different. It was a scared to death/painful cry and we both jolted up and ran into the room. Saryn had a cold for the previous 24 hours, but other than that, all the kids had been pretty healthy. When we got to Saryn, she could barely breathe. You could see her struggle for breath by the suction in between her ribs and she was crying because it was scary and it hurt. I gave her some of her asthma medication (something that was precautionary, because we weren't sure she had asthma), just to see if that would help. Not much changed, so we ALL packed up. Jarett gave Saryn a blessing quickly and then we dragged everyone to the Emergency Room. I wanted to be the one to go and I'd have to bring Saryn AND the baby - and I couldn't be particularily quick while carrying both of them and parking.... so Jarett dropped us off.
We weren't even asked what was wrong, they brought us right back to check her vitals and make sure she was getting enough oxygen etc. Then we were asked to wait. To all of you who might be reading this from the states, WELCOME to Socialized Health Care. We waited for 2 hours....and there were maybe 6 or 7 patients in the waiting room. This was encouraging for us. We were even put ahead of some of the other people who were in front of us because our condition was more severe. For those of you who live in Canada, you're probably thinking that sounds great! So, we took some pictures and snuggled while we waited. Isn't she a sad looking little girl??
Anyway, we were ushered in to the tent that they had set up on the side of the hospital. Yes, a TENT!! They didn't have any more room in the pediatric unit, so they pitched a tent for some overflow.
We were back there for not even 1 minute before Saryn began to feel better. She was still struggling with each breath....but not quite enough (wouldn't you know it). She began dancing around with her blanket (Bankey Wowers) pretending to get married and being a princess. Also putting it on my head and asking if I was beautiful. This sort of activity doesn't really get you the attention you want in an Emergency Room. But, it was cute - yes, even at 4 am.
Jaymeson was amazing through this - in fact, I thought it might be the first time he ever slept through the night. He only woke up once in the hospital and went back to sleep after being fed. The rest of the night is a different story...
They finally came and assessed it as an asthma attack. They gave her a steroid and a nebulizer treatment and sent us home. I called Jarett, and he came and picked us up (with all the girls in tow) and we all missed a day of school and just tried to recover.
Everything else went according to schedule until Friday when we packed up and went to Calgary to spend time with our family. My Mom and Dad had been sick all week. My Dad had bronchitis and my Mom was playing with pneumonia. My sister had taken off and was spending the weekend in Cardston with some friends, so it was a pretty low-key weekend around the Mullen home.
Friday night, Jarett took me out to Smugglers for an early Valentine's Day celebration. It was wonderful. We put the kids down to bed and then had my parents keep an eye on them (this turned out to be a bigger job than it sounds - sorry Mom and Dad for making you do that in your condition).
Saturday was spent between both the Mullen and Cahoon houses. We had a special Valentine's dinner at my parents at the end of the day which was wonderful.
Sunday, both Kaia and Kienna started to act a little bit sick. Kaia had to go home before the end of Sacrament Meeting, but other than that church was wonderful. We had Sunday Dinner at the Cahoon's house which was also wonderful. The girls played with their cousin Kindred really well. It was really fun to have them there. They got into the dress ups and had some serious fun....
Jaymeson also had his first time in an exer-saucer. He absolutely LOVED it. I think he might be teething - as he just gnawed on the toys for the whole time he was in there..... The drool is something of a give-a-way too.
We came back home on Tuesday where we've been doing the schedule thing ever since.....well, kinda. I've been teaching piano and Kaia's been going to school, but Jarett has had Reading Week and was AWESOME to stay at home and help me get to some organizing that I've been aching to do. Our office has been transformed into a nursery again (and has been totally reorganized and sorted through). Our basement then needed some attention and so we totally dug out under the stairs and went through some old bins. We got rid of a lot of stuff and we were SHOCKED at how much space was left. That has been driving me nuts for months. Thank heaven for Reading Week.
Well, that's been the remainder of the week. Today has been a major cleaning day (when you're doing organizing projects, the rest of the house really seems to suffer) and Jarett is at school making up for the reading which he skipped while helping me out. The kids have been SO good. Jaymeson is now sleeping in his crib in the "nursery" for his naps. He'll have to be fully transfered there soon for my sanity.
OH, and one more thing......Jaymeson has now started eating Rice Cereal. I know that a lot of people think it might be a little early. But he is 4 months old today and BOY is he ready. Tuesday was the big day. I tried to give him the first spoonful. I got just a little dot in his mouth and he started to dive for the spoon. He gobbled up the bowl in about 2 minutes flat. And then he slept much better that night. Check out how happy he was with the cereal....
On Wed night, Kienna wasn't feeling good at all. Shock. Jarett took all the kids (except Kienna) to Walmart while I stayed at home and taught piano. I snuggled with Kienna for a minute and said to her, "Oh, you are just the sweetest thing!" She then responded, "In the world??". She makes me laugh. Everything is a competition.
I just remembered today, when I was expecting Jaymeson, I asked the girls what names they like. Kienna's suggestion was to use a scripture name: Nehor. I hope she just likes the sound of the name.....not what it reminds us of. Sigh. What a silly goose.
Well, I think that is the end of my novel for this past week. I really don't ever plan on my posts being this long. So much for the skimming over things....I guess I just like to talk - and it comes through with my writing. Maybe I'll write something brief and to the point one day.... but, until then. Adios!
Poor Saryn! That must have been scary. Don't you just love reading weeks and having a husband around??? It is amazing what can be accomplished!
Ashley, it's your long lost pen pal Kim Hughes. Well how lost can someone be with facebook but anyways, I found your blog by blog snooping/jumping and am now excited to "keep in touch".
Anyways, hope you little girl doesn't have any more of those attacks. Something a mom can definitely live without.
i'm amazed that you beat me to the ER. sorry to hear you had to go. i'm glad you got things organized. it feels so good to get things like that done.
anyhoo, i hope your girls are all feeling better and that this is the end of it all. (i'm hoping that for my kids too...)
your poor sick kids! i'm trying to lay low with the sickness this year. not too bad, and spring comes sooner here so yipee for us!
How did you remember to bring your camera in such a hurry? Saryn cracks me up... she definitely makes church more entertaining for us
Hope you're all really better now...that you're improvement is as drastic as the change Saryn made by her third pictures. I love the look on her face there!
Sickness is awful! Sick kids are even worse!!! I am glad she started feeling better!
I can't believe how big everyone is getting!!! Kids just keep growing all the time!
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