"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

BIG Decisions

Now that Jaymeson is a BIG boy, he has to look to his future.  I mean, really, what four year old doesn't know what he's going to be one day?

On Tuesday morning, we were at the doctor because Benson had one eye that looked REALLY red and was goopy.  Apparently he has TWO ear infections and TWO eye infections.  Spectacular.  (This was also two days after we found out Kienna has a severe ear infection that was making her ear drum bulge).  While we were there, Jaymeson said that the doctor was a nice man.  I said, "Yes, that's good because all doctors should be nice.  They help people."  Jaymeson declared then and there that he should be a doctor when he grows up.  (Of course, the doctor was all over this idea and suggested that I get him a doctors kit for Christmas).

From a young age, he has shown a big interest in dentistry.

This morning, Jaymeson comes into my room and tells me that he wants to go to war.  The conversation went something like this:
Me:  But I don't think that's a good idea Jay.  You could be killed.
Jay:  No I won't.  I'm a winner.
Me:  Yes, but sometimes even grown up fighters get hurt and die.
Jay:  But I'm not a bad guy.
Me:  Even the good guys sometimes die. And they're older and they know how to fight.
Jay:  But I want to fight the bad guys.
Me:  Well, maybe when you're older.
Jay:  Like 14?
Me:  Maybe even older.

Moments later, he comes in to tell me that he just really wants to fight the bad guys.  So we get into a discussion about how Daddy and Grandpa kind of do that because they're lawyers and they help put the bad guys in jail.
Jay: Why do the bad guys have to go to jail?
Me: Because then they can't hurt the good guys.
Jay: But they wouldn't hurt me, I'm a winner and I could FIGHT them.
Me: Yes, but not everyone could.
Jay: Oh yeah, I guess I can't fight them all.

He could be a lawyer like his Dad... this is appealing!

A few minutes later, he remembers the doctor idea.
This is the kind of medicine he might be practicing for now
Jay:  Mom, do doctors fight bad guys?
Me: Well, I guess that they do in a way.  They fight the germs that are hurting people.
Jay:  Those aren't bad guys... those are germs.
Me:  Yes, but why do you want to fight bad guys?
Jay:  Because it helps protect people.
Me:  Yes, and doctors help protect people from bad germs.  So it's kinda the same.
Jay:  Mom, I think I'm still going to be a doctor.  (Then, after pausing a few minutes)  Mom, can I still have my name if I'm a doctor?
Me: Yes
Jay: All of them?
Me: Yes!
Jay: Okay, I like it!
Me:  Me, too!

I guess he might have to be like Uncle Troy and Uncle Vernon.  To very determined and wonderful men in the medical profession.  I can deal with that!

This little boy is going to be determined no matter what he does.  Seriously.  He's already trying to set his path and go down it.  (I think my retirement is set!)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Big Day for My Girls!

LOVE this picture because it shows exactly the levels of excitement the three girls had.
 Well, Saturday became a day to remember.  I took all my girls to the mall and we got their ears pierced!!  They did great and were beyond excited.  They had two piercers and so Kaia and Kienna got both ears done at the same time.

Kaia looked more excited, but was very focused on learning how to clean her ears properly.

Kienna's reaction was pretty much the same as Kaia's - it wasn't fun, but it wasn't horrid.  Within a minute - they were both beaming with excitement.

Saryn sporting her new earrings - and smiling!

Saryn wasn't so lucky.  She had one of the piercers go on break (a little ticked off about that) and decided not to wait, but to get them done one at a time.  She was a little nervous, so I was hesitant to have her do it, but she REALLY was determined.  She almost made it through without crying, but when the waterworks started, they wouldn't stop.  She was so sad that she had to do it again that it didn't help either.  Finally, she decided she was going to get the other one (she didn't want to look weird) and she took some deep breaths, told the lady to get it ready and then told her to do it NOW!  She only cried a little after that one.  The next couple days, however, she still cried every time we'd go to clean them or anything... and yesterday one of her earrings fell out and we lost it.  She didn't seem upset about it at all because she was okay with not having her ears pierced at this point.  So, she's back to square one.

Kaia and Kienna, however, are still in heaven and love to have their ears pierced.  I just have to remind them that they ONLY have to clean them 3 times a day, not all day long. 

Sigh, my kids are growing up....

Thursday, November 22, 2012

October in Facebook Stati (or Status')

At the Airport after Kim (aka Sis Mullen) returned back home to us!!
I decided you could learn a LOT about me from my Facebook status updates.  So I thought I'd put in a bunch from October to sum up the month (since I've been so awesome at Blogging).  That way I have it all in one consolidated place and have a record of what my life has been like recently. I'll only do some of the highlights - not the really boring ones.

 October 2012

1st - I just became an Aunt again yesterday. Congrats Hayley and Troy!! I now have 10 nephews and 11 nieces.
2nd - Probably just had the most "on the go" day I've had in a long time (which is saying something) and decided to top it off by dropping the couch right onto my toe. SO awesome!
5th - HELP! My mom is having a hard time finding 12"+ pie pans (the size that Costco uses) for the Youth Cultural Celebration for the temple. I was thinking that there might be a few of you having Costco pies over Thanksgiving Weekend. Can any of you save your pie plates and get them to either me or my mom once you eat your pie? This will save us from having to eat a dozen pies this weekend. If you aren't getting any pies, can you spread the word to those who might? Thanks so much.
6th - Brina posted - Had my breath taken away at the Temple last night. Anyone who hasn't gone should regardless of your beliefs. It was truly the most beautiful building I have ever been in! Thanks to Ashley and Delcia for taking us!

7th - I am so thankful for an awesome family and in-laws that I get to share my life with. Even more grateful for my special kids and the joy they bring to my life. Thankful for the guidance I got this weekend and so much more! What a magnificent Thanksgiving Weekend... and it's not even over yet!
9th - Today, I would like to thank whoever discovered that hair spray gets ink off of things... although looking back, I was disappointed when Kristen Hansen wrote "Anat and Phys or Bust" on my chair, today I was thrilled as it took all the scribbles off of my computer screen.
     - Every time that I see/hear Anne Hathaway sing "I Dreamed a Dream" I get goose bumps all over.... and that is just off of a trailer on You Tube. Can you imagine how awesome it will be when it's full screen and surround sound and in the middle of the incredible story that Les Mis is?!? Oh man, I'm BEYOND thrilled!
10th - I honestly feel so lucky to have the incredible husband that I do!! There really can't be a better one out there. Happy 35th, Jarett! On that note, does anyone know what to do for a guy on his birthday when it's a day that your sister comes home from her mission?? He may be the best husband, but I'm not winning any awards for the best wife....
1st Moments post mission!  Look how happy Mom and Kim are!
14th - What a wonderful day, full of family and friends and a whole lot of good soup! Feel so edified! So glad to have you home, Kim!! (Kim's homecoming open house)
15th - I truly believe that some kids are extra cute as a defense mechanism.
17th - My sweet little Jaymeson is sick today. He threw up on my bed this morning (of course the day after I did a deep clean of the bed) and as I put him in the bathtub just kept saying, "Mommy, I'm SO sorry". I told him he really didn't need to be, but he kept saying it over and over. I don't know why, but it was much easier to clean it up with him being so sweet.
18th - Okay, I'm hearing silence. Off of the computer I get!
19th - I am beyond excited to be volunteering at the temple this afternoon/evening. I am very grateful to those who are taking care of my kids to make this possible and I'm Extraordinarily confident that today is going to be incredible!
The Granddaughters on the Mullen Side

20th - I'm getting excited for my lesson in RS tomorrow. Hopefully I'm able to explain some of my thoughts in a way that makes sense.
21st - The sweetest little boy ever to live turned 4 today. Happy Birthday little - oops, I mean BIG Jaymeson!

25th - TWO MONTHS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!! Yikes. I haven't even thought about it until now. Better start shopping!
28th - This is the day I've been waiting for nearly all my life. I get to see the temple dedicated right here in Calgary!! It is a Sunday that I will never forget!
29th - Praying for my sister, Alanna who is very close to the eye of this crazy storm. Hope it passes quickly and without too much damage. (Frankenstorm)

Throughout the end of the month of October MOST of my status' were reminding people to vote for my picture in a Lysol competition - which I didn't win.  :(.  It was fun to be in the running and to get it going though.

Wow!  Who'd have thought I'd have a running Journal just on my Facebook wall.  Glad I did that.  I might have to make it a monthly tradition!   Or just start updating the blog more often.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Kaia was learning about Limericks today, and we found a few examples on Wikipedia that made me laugh.  Thought I'd share:

The limerick packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
A lively young damsel named Menzies
Inquired: "Do you know what this thenzies?"
    Her aunt, with a gasp,
    Replied: "It's a wasp,
And you're holding the end where the stenzies.
(that was Kaia's favorite by FAR)
There was a young man from Japan
Whose limericks never would scan.
When asked why this was,
He replied "It's because
I always try to fit as many syllables into the last line as ever I possibly can
There once was a man from the sticks
Who liked to compose limericks.
But he failed at the sport,
For he wrote 'em too short.
I think we might have to do more poetry.  We've been really enjoying these and some Acrostic Poems as well.  Next is Haiku, I believe.  Any other suggestions?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Whole Photoshoot is in!

Because time is short and I'm feeling a teensy bit lazy today, I'm just going to post a link.  My good friend from childhood Elizabeth Cranmer did some family pictures for us (including the one I'm using as a header).  She just posted the pictures on her blog and I'm seriously loving them.  Click here to check them out!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"The System"

Wow!  This month has been NUTS!  I started by taking one night to work at a studio, and a couple students on the side.  I ended up having so many students that the studio let me off the hook (I'm forever indebted to them), and I am now teaching TWENTY students piano and theory.  This took some MAJOR re-adjusting of my life.  I have never been so busy.

I would love to just summarize my week:

am - home schooling with kids
pm - 4 piano students, Family Home Evening

am - home schooling with kids
pm - violin lessons, 2 piano students, cello class, cello lessons, 1 theory class, 1 piano student

am - home schooling with kids
pm - 7 piano students, activity days for the older girls and a theory class

am - home schooling with kids
pm - 3 piano students, kids skipping class and (hopefully) institute

am - Story of the World group (every other week)
pm - swimming lessons, date night

Now, if my kids didn't get focused in the morning, I found myself in a hard place because, as you can see, I just didn't have much wiggle room with scheduling and I couldn't drive them to finish up their stuff while juggling this crazy schedule.  Thus, "The System" was implemented.

The System is quite simple really.  I printed out a week schedule for them.  I wrote on each day what they were to accomplish.  I laminated them, so that they can mark off what they got done with a white-board marker as they accomplish the said task. 

 A close up of a typical day.  The time really isn't relative, it's just how the sheet came.

At the end of the day, if all of their tasks have been completed, they get to put a sticker on the monkey chart.  If they have a perfect week, they get two bonus stickers.  When they finish each row, they get to choose a prize (a date with mommy or daddy somewhere).

So simple, yet it WORKS!  The kids were so focused today, and I was able to brush it off if they weren't.  I would merely remind them, "okay, you just won't get my help or maybe even won't get your sticker".  I didn't have to get upset or frustrated or anything.  Miracles happen.... I just hope they continue...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Preview of a Family Picture...

I feel like I plastered this all over facebook, but for those of you who are not on facebook, I thought I'd show my sneak peak of a photo idea that I had.  It started simple, with just a white background and a "personality shot" of each of the kids.  The it morphed and we fudged a little with the idea... (it's a little bit harder than we had thought to fit a family of 7 on a white backdrop).  We moved location twice and did a few different shots, but this is the only one that I've seen so far.... and I love it.  It's just a true to life family picture.  My friend Liz (http://pigtailsandsnails.blogspot.ca/) helped progress the idea and it came to this.  I'm so glad that I told her about my dream family picture!  She literally made my dream come true!  Thanks Liz!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our New Addition

I got my very first real piano!  It's made it 1885 and still has everything super in tact, the sound it flawless.  I have been breaking it in all afternoon.  I love the detailing on it.  Sigh, I fell in love all over again.

We bought it because we needed to have a piano in a room for me to teach all the students I have enlisted for the fall.  The kids need to be able to walk around the house while I'm teaching, so we needed it to go in the den.  We got it from one of our favorite families (the Hunters), who just upgraded to a baby grand for a fabulous deal.  We are going to love every second of it.

This fall, I'll be teaching 24 students (I've never done that many before) and I'm getting a little nervous as to how I'm going to keep up with the schedule (along with my kids schedules and home schooling).  I'm excited though.  It'll be very interesting to see how the year goes.  We're starting in half an hour.... so here goes!  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Too Cute

"Jaymeson, you're just too cute!"
"No, you're too cute!"
"Awww, thanks."
"You and my Great, Great, Great, Grandfather!"

Friday, August 10, 2012


I'm so proud of Jarett.  He's lost over 40 lbs and prepared for a triathlon over the past 5 months.  Tomorrow, the day is here.  Unfortunately, he's sick and life has been crazy, so he's a little out of practice, but he's going forth and doing it anyway!!  It'll just give us a time to beat for next year!  Pics to come!

Yesterday's Quote of the Day

Of course, it's hard to beat a 3-year-old in the "quote of the day" competition... so Jaymeson seems to be quoted more than anyone else.  Yesterday's quote went as follows:

"Mommy, what are you doing?"
"Putting on make-up"
"So I can look beautiful"
"So, do I look beautiful?"
"Um, not yet.  Only when you get finished."

Serves me right for looking for a compliment.  On the other hand, he walks around throughout the day telling me that he loves me, or loves my room, or something at least 30 times a day.  The day before yesterday, I finished my tea apron that I've been working on.  He noticed!!  (He'll be a great husband one day).  That conversation went as follows:

"Mommy, did you make that?"
"Yes, I did!"
"Mommy, that's AMAZING!!  It looks so AWESOME!"

Yeah, I'll keep him!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Truth About Piano Lessons

I got this article from my old piano teacher just today.  I read it and think it is SO true.  Read if you like... don't if you don't... but this is SO true if you are considering music lessons of any sort.  So, without further ado:

The Truth About Piano Lessons

A piano teacher looks at what it takes to succeed in music, why
parents should care, and what they can do to help their kids.

To piano teachers: You also have permission to print it and hand it out, as long as
my name and the blog address are visible. Thank you for respecting my
copyright. Karen Berger.

Dear Piano Parents:

You're probably getting mailings right now about fall activities for your kids.
The soccer coach wants to know if you're doing traveling team, the Little
League coach is scheduling practices, the dance teacher is putting her
classes together. And you're wondering about piano lessons for little
Johnny or Suzie.

You want to know how much Johnny will be expected to practice. You want
to know if Suzie can just "try it out" and see if it's "fun." You need to know
what kind of instrument I expect you to have. You want to know if you can
come whenever it's convenient, and whether I'll be flexible regarding
hockey games, ski Fridays, school dances, ice-skating parties, holidays,
and play dates.You want to know if I'm "reasonable" by which I think you
mean: Can I change my schedule to suit yours, and am I a stickler for daily
practice because Suzie has so much else on her plate and "things are
crazy around here."

It doesn't usually occur to you to ask what you can do as a parent to help
your child with music lessons, but that's something you're going to have to
know, too.

I'm in a difficult position as a piano teacher because I'm afraid of telling you
the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I'm afraid because the
unvarnished truth is not what you are probably going to want to hear if you
are like the majority of my piano parents, and when people don't like what
they hear, they tend to bail out. You may go to another teacher (which is

fine: Everyone deserves the teacher they are most compatible with). But
I'm afraid you may bail on music lessons all together.

Because the truth about learning to play the piano scares people. That's
the last thing I want to do.

Benefits of Music Education

We all know the benefits of music education: the improved test scores, the
correlation with less drug and alcohol abuse, the benefits of learning to be
part of an ensemble and stick with a challenge. Music is one of the most
powerful expressive forms we have in our lives. How powerful? Playing
music (not just listening to it) is used to treat neurological problems, to heal
people who have had strokes, to slow down the progression of Alzheimer's
and Parkinson's diseases.

Musician's brains -- as measured by MRIs -- actually work differently than
the brains of non-musicians. We (musicians) develop pathways that you
don't, which help us make other connections. The ability to play an
instrument, particularly a complex instrument like piano, has been linked to
less dementia in old age, better cognitive skills, and faster healing from
traumatic brain injuries.

Not to mention the sheer joy of it. How many adults do you know who say "I
wish my mother hadn't let me quit." You may be one of them.

So if I scare you (and your child) away, I'm doing you a huge disservice on
many levels.

Learning Piano and Modern Parenting Trends: Not an Easy Fit

The problem is that learning to play piano isn't easy, and what it requires
flies in the face of current parenting trends. You know the trends I'm talking
about: The ones that have you driving 500 miles a week to ball games,
play dates and the like. I had a student once who showed up for piano
wearing his karate uniform, after eating dinner in a moving car; after piano
lessons, he was headed for night skiing. No wonder this little 6 year old
vomited at the piano. I felt nauseated just listening to his schedule.

Look, the truth is that your kid can't be a black belt in karate and a ski racer
and a soccer player and a pianist and an "A" student and a dancer and in
the school play. Kids want to try everything, parents panic if they think they
are missing the next new thing. You can go broad or you can go deep;
that's your choice. But you need to know that learning to play piano takes
place in the deep end of the ocean.

The Process (and Practice) of Learning to Play Piano

Playing piano also takes a kind of concentration children are rarely
exposed to anymore. If you're one of those parents who wants to protect
your child from frustration, you have got to come to terms with the demands
of the big black beast, because learning to play the piano is all about
overcoming frustration. It's about thinking through problems, breaking them
down, solving them one step at a time, figuring things out, finding creative
new ways to approach a challenge, putting the pieces back together and
trying again and again and again. Piano lessons are life lessons. There's a
reason music students score higher in math. But music isn't easy.

You're not going to want to hear the truth because it takes a lot more effort
to get your kid to practice than it does to get her to brush her teeth, and
YOU are going to have to put that effort in every day for the next four years
before she even has a chance of playing "Fur Elise" or "The Entertainer."
Even the most enthusiastic student is not going to want to practice every
day (and yes, every day is recommended). Or practice enough. Or practice
correctly. If you're the kind of parent who calls your kid "buddy" and "pal"
and "girlfriend" and doesn't want to be the "bad guy," you're in for a rough
road as far as piano is concerned.

You may think that Suzie has talent and will follow in the footsteps of Uncle
George, who just sat down at the piano and started playing jazz standards.
But I can guarantee that's not how it happened for Uncle George, and it's
not going to happen that way for Suzie, either. Family myth
notwithstanding, Uncle George had solitary time with the instrument,
whether formally instructed or not, whether playing by ear or by notes. He
wrestled with the big black beast -- same as your child is going to have to

You want to know if Suzie can just "try it out" and the answer is sure: It's
your money, and I can't stop you from taking a few lessons and quitting. But

I can promise that if you're not committed going in, you're not going to stick
around. Suzie might enjoy her lessons, but at home, she's going to have to
put her thinking cap on and wrestle with note reading and trying to
remember where Middle C is and how to count and which finger is number
1 and which finger is number 2. Sure, some kids find this early part fun,
and if they do, you're in luck. But I'll be honest: Many don't.

What You Can Do To Help A Child Learn Music

And do you have idea how long a half an hour's practice time is for a 7 year
old? An eternity. You may have to help, and ideally, this means paying
attention during a young child's lesson, taking notes, listening to how I tell
them to practice and then making sure that they do it. It may even mean
learning to read a few notes yourself (Yes, you can, and yes I will teach
you, but you may have to work at it. Not every adult gets it on the first try.
You need to be willing to brush off YOUR thinking cap, too). You don't have
to learn to actually play the piano, but I do expect you do be able to read a
book aimed at a second-grader and figure out enough music reading so
you can help them between lessons.

And then there's the whole buying a piano thing. It's an entirely different
issue, and I've written an article about choosing between electric and
acoustic pianos. Teachers do differ, so you'll need to listen carefully to their
reasoning. But the more pleasurable an instrument is to play, the more a
child will want to play it. And they DO hear and feel the difference.

Good News About Music Lessons

It's sounding daunting, doesn't it? Why not just cross it off the list and move
on to soccer? Because a) You don't want your adult child joining the chorus
of people blaming their parents for letting them quit music and b) Because
it's good for them in so many ways: creativity, self-expression, working with
others, mental health, good work habits, problem solving, cognitive
development, neurological health, and the simple appreciation of art and
beauty. (I'll be writing more articles on the benefits of music education and
links to studies showing these benefits in the upcoming weeks, so check
back here.)

And let me give you some (more) good news.

Just about any kid can learn to play the piano. Some may take to it more
easily than others; some may race ahead; some may lag behind. Some
may read quickly, others may be aurally gifted, or able to move their fingers
quickly and naturally. But it really does boil down to practice. Don't give
your kid the easy out of saying "Well of course Annie is playing better than
you; she's very talented." In the long run, talent helps, but it's not about
talent: It's about DOING IT And yes, there have been studies on this, too.

I'm not asking for miracles here: Most kids who practice in a focused
way for 1/2 an hour most days of the week will learn to play well
enough to enjoy participating in music in a meaningful way. It may,
however, take 4 to 8 years, depending on goals, talent, and practice
habits, before a student turns into a musician. When it happens, it's like
watching the tulips bloom in spring.

The bottom line: by giving your child music lessons, you are giving them a
lifelong gift.

Music IS joyful, it isn't always fun. Learn to know the difference -- then
teach your children well.

Posted by Karen Berger

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What is he doing?

Who can guess what Jaymeson was busy doing today without anyone's coaching??

Who had filling his bike up with gas??  No one?  Well, don't tell Jaymeson.  He is convinced that his bike won't go without filling it up properly with gas.  He puts the nozzle of the air pump right on the air valve on the tire.  He puts his bike upsidedown so that it balances better and everything.  I LOVE that he does this.  Especially complete with Superman cape.  The Superman cape is now a permanent accessory to his wardrobe (which is usually his new helicopter shirt with matching shorts) along with his new Spiderman watch.  Can't say that I try to get him to take them off very much though, it's just too much fun. 

He's doing SO well on the scooter bike.  His balance is awesome.  Check it out!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Kienna's Baptism

I'm so proud of my little girl.  She was so excited to have so many family members around for her special day.  She looked just like an angel all in white and she was just GLOWING after she got baptized.  She said she felt SO happy!!  I'm so thankful to all those who came to support her.  It really meant SO much.  It was really fun to see so many people that I knew growing up, who were there with their babies getting baptized.  Kienna had Jarom Smith, Jeremy Chernenko (both from our ward), Hunter Murray and Richelle Davidson all share their special days with her.  It was so neat to see all these men with their child, dressed all in white.
Kienna was asked what the 3 most exciting parts of getting baptized were to her.  Her answer was: I get to have the Holy Ghost, I get to have my sins washed away and I get to be a member of the church.
After her confirmation, she said, "Now I feel Happy-ER".  She's such a sweet, silly little girl and I just love her to death!  Congrats Kienna, We're all SO proud of you!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Favorite Moments

It's another Jaymeson moment, but it really just shows how sweet he is.  He has been carrying around a piece of paper for about 2 weeks with a picture of the bedroom he wants.  It's all cowboy themed with red and brown walls.

This picture is the exact one he's been carrying around.  It was from a Benjamin Moore idea book.

He carries it around everywhere.  He LOVES this picture.  So, how can I refuse painting his room like that.  I asked permission to take the picture to the paint store to pick out the colors.  When I got back, he was almost crying because he didn't see the picture in my hand.  When I said he had it, he had a huge smile burst out across his face and was so excited.

Needless to say, one of the rooms we've been painting was for him.  I seriously haven't been that excited to do something for someone for a long time.

Today, he saw the room.

I sent him upstairs and told him to look at it.  It's not decorated or anything.  Just the walls are painted red and brown like the picture.  I wasn't expecting a big response at all, but what I heard was, "WOW!!  This is SO cool!! (pause) I need to go thank my Mom!! (runs to the top of the stairs)  Mom, THANK YOU!!"

This is, of course, while he's in the midst of helping all the men unload a truckload of stuff.  One time he brought something into the house and he paused as he came into the house.  He said, "Oh, I gotta take off my shoes to go inside".  I said, "Oh Jay, you're so good!"  As he ran in the house, he answered, "Yeah, I'm following Jesus!"

He TOTALLY made my day twice today!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thoughts on this week

What a week!!  It has been nothing but painting and doctors all week long, but BOY does it feel good to have it all done.  I am having a brief break while the last wall gets dry enough to do a second coat, but we WILL have essentially painted our whole house in 4 days!!

On Tuesday morning, I headed over to the new house to start things up and I got a call from my Doctor to come in ASAP, preferably by 1pm.  This is odd, as usually it is next to impossible to get in with her at all.  As I hadn't quite started painting, I thought I'd just head over.

I had hurt my foot in February at Grandpa's Funeral and I had assumed it was a really bad sprain as it if STILL really hurting me.  I had a set of x-rays done, but they were negative.  After 4 and a half months, I talked to MY doctor (instead of a walk-in) and she sent me to do a bone scan.  To my surprise, she got the results from the bone scan and I have two occult fractures in my right foot (meaning they are too small to detect on x-ray).  One is in the Tibia and the other in the Talus.  Essentially, I have been complaining of a sore foot from a sprained ankle since for FIVE months and trying to push through the pain to build up the muscles and get it back to full health... but ACTUALLY every step I've been taking has been re-breaking these bones (as they carry the full weight of your body while standing and walking).  FABULOUS!

So, my doctor put me in an air cast and said she's going to get me a CT Scan and in to see a Orthopedic Surgeon to look at the break and decide what kind of cast I need (whether I can put weight on the foot with a cast, or none at all.  Not overly excited about that... but at least it will fix the problem.  I just wish it wasn't while I was painting, moving and going camping.  Sitting lakeside with your leg in a cast just doesn't sound like a fantastic time.

While waiting to hear from the Surgeon to find out when to go in to the "cast clinic", I've been painting my house, and preparing for the move.  Not overly simple, but with the help of my Superwoman Sister-in-law, Manya, it's possible!  I can't thank her enough for practically doing it all.  The men have been coming after work, but she's been by my side all day long (and driving me around - as that's out too now).

So, today, I heard from the "Cast Clinic".  It will only take me until July 25th to get in and have an Orthopedic Surgeon's opinion on the whole matter.  A whole month?  Isn't that a little ridiculous?  I guess I'll be hobbling around on this air-cast for a month before I get to go see a surgeon to decide whether it's causing more damage or not.  Oh well.  At least I get to go swimming at the lake, right?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our picnic in Fish Creek Park

We had so much fun here.  Jaymeson loved to throw sticks in the fire.  We loved the hotdogs and marshmallows, the puffed wheat squares, the Frisbee and the butterfly catching.  Most of all though, we loved being there as a family with Gran and Grandpa!  I also was SO proud of Kaia and Kienna who rode their bikes home (an hour bike ride) with Jarett.  Way to go!

*Disclaimer, we were NOT feeding the ground hogs.  They were coming up and trying to take food out of our hands and we would shoo them away.  The only "feeding" was Saryn throwing grass around the holes.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bikes and such

 Jaymeson has a new strider style bike.  He is really getting confident on it and he loves it to pieces.  Bikes have been a big thing around here this month as the older two girls have gone on multiple bike rides with Manya and Jarett through Fish Creek Park.  They both got new bikes and have been LOVING it.  This particular day, Kaia and Kienna were with Manya, while we took Saryn and Jay to the church parking lot to practice with their bikes.
 Benson watching Jay and Saryn learn to ride their bikes.

 Look at that speed!!
 On a walk with cousin Macy.  These happy faces didn't last long.  They pretty much cried all the way through Fish Creek Park.  But it was a fun day!
 Benson discovered the goodness of grapefruit.  This was for Grandpa's birthday breakfast.  Benson beat everyone to the table (true Benson fashion).
Benson really enjoyed his smoothie that morning too.  Mom didn't enjoy the laundry so much though...